Nine Quarter Circle Ranch

5000 Taylor Fork Rd
Gallatin Gateway, MT
Nine Quarter Circle Ranch enjoys catering to families and offers babysitting for wee tots and older children. We have many activities on horseback and are famous for our spectacular mountain location, overlooking the northwest corner of Yellowstone Park. There is unsurpassed trout fishing, excellent family-style food and informal ranch living. Come enjoy our log cabins, pack trips, swimming, square dancing, barbecues, trout pond and private air strip. We have had the same family ownership for nearly 75 years. Come enjoy lots of horses, lots of cowboys and lots of fun!


The Nine Quarter Circle Ranch is located at 5000 Taylor Fork Road out of Gallatin Gateway, Montana. It is situated 60 miles south of Bozeman, Montana, five miles west off Highway 191 bordering the Lee Metcalf Wilderness.
