Lockhart Ranch Trail

The short loop trail introduces visitors to western ranch life in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The longer loop trail offers extra time for reflection as visitors hike along the old road and through old pasture lands. Either trail, brings about a certain amount of respect for the people that lived out here. The gentle flow of Davis and Cottonwood Creeks is the life force of this place. Like a heartbeat, the water kept the ranch going. The water from Cottonwood Creek irrigated Caroline Lockhart's garden and orchard. Ditches running from Davis Creek used the topography of the land for gravity irrigation in the surrounding pastures. The pastures have long been abandoned, but the creeks are still part of the life force of this area. Beavers build dams, birds make nests, and deer find a refreshing drink.


Lockhart Ranch Trail is located beyond Barry's Landing junction in Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. Follow the dirt road 2.5 miles to the Lockhart Ranch.Lockhart Ranch Trail is located beyond Barry's Landing junction in Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. Follow the dirt road 2.5 miles to the Lockhart Ranch.
