The Legacy Doll Museum is a private museum housing over 4,000 dolls, toys and other childhood memorabilia from the 1850s to the present day. Legacy Doll Museum is noted for its doll trousseaus and rare French fashion accessories. It also houses a store display Skookum and Indian cradle doll. It has dolls with area provenance as well as rare German character dolls in sweet vignettes. A large gift shop with antiques, dolls and doll related items are available for your shopping needs as well as an all purpose room that can be rented for parties.
Located at 3206 6th Avenue North in Billings. Take the 27th Street Exit from I-90 and drive north through downtown Billings to 6th Avenue North. Turn left on 6th Avenue and drive 5 blocks to North 32nd. The museum is on the left side on the corner.